A Strong Financial Backing
Catesby Estates has over 20 years knowledge and experience of strategic land promotion and infrastructure delivery and is part of the Urban&Civic group of businesses.
Urban&Civic is the leading Master Developer in the UK, with over 4,000 acres, over 20,000 new homes, more than six million sq.ft. of business space, and eleven primary schools and three secondary schools.
Catesby's parent company Urban&Civic was acquired by the Wellcome Trust in 2021. This consolidated the position of Urban&Civic as a leading Master Developer, and strengthened the already substantial financial backing of Catesby Estates.
Well Established Team Of Land Promotion Experts
With six in-house specialist teams focused on land, planning, technical, design, public consultation and finance, our team ensures your land is in safe hands.
Many of the Catesby Estates team have worked for major housebuilders or developers, and are affiliated to professionally accredited bodies within their field.
This in-house land promotion expertise, and our policy of working in collaboration with landowners, councils and local stakeholders has built us a first class reputation for bringing forward land with planning consent for new homes.
Find out more about the Catesby Estates team here.
A Reputation For De-risking Housing Delivery
As innovators within the land promotion sector, Catesby Estates was one of the first to recognise the importance and added value, in-house technical expertise can deliver to both landowners and housebuilders.
Our technical team is unique amongst land promoters, and are able to bring forward sites with comprehensive technical background work completed, and offer value engineered solutions to any site constraints.
This means there is less upfront risk for a housebuilder, that comes with a land site that has not been fully considered from a technical and deliverability perspective.
This in turn increases the speed of housing delivery, with housebuilders able get onsite and start construction quicker.
Housebuilders and Local Authorities can be confident a planning permission obtained by Catesby Estates is deliverable.
Planning and Housing Land Supply Knowledge
Catesby Estates have in-house extensive knowledge of planning, and meeting housing demand in areas of clearly identified need, working closely with Planning Officers to gain recommendations for approval.
For the planning process to work effectively, land promoters, housebuilders, councils and residents need to work together in partnership.
By researching and understanding a Local Authority’s housing land supply, Catesby are able to identify sites which are suitable for delivery. Residential land sites can be promoted over the longer term in conjunction with the Council’s planning strategy if necessary.
If the Local Authority is unable to demonstrate a 5 year supply of housing land, an immediate planning application may be appropriate.
Catesby work at both a local and national level to help build policy which supports the delivery of new homes and infrastructure in key areas across the country.